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Over the last two years our congregation’s session has worked diligently, prayerfully, and responsibly to guide our church family through the uncharted waters of ministry in the time of COVID. Our session has now decided, on March 12, to make masking optional at Bethany. While many in our church will choose to no longer wear masks, many others will continue to do so. We want to make sure that everyone is empowered to make their own health decisions. Bethany will continue to have masks available for anyone who wants one.


When it comes to worship all are welcome to attend with or without masks and to sit where they choose. At the same time, a section of the sanctuary will be reserved for anyone preferring to wear a mask and observe social distancing. Bethany has been and will continue to be a “mask-friendly” congregation.


This is an important transition moment on our journey forward to return to gathering like we used to. But it is critical for us all to remember that the virus is still something that we need to take seriously. If you have any symptoms, you need to stay home. If you have been exposed to someone with the virus, you need to follow CDC protocols. If you are in a "high risk category" please take CDC-recommended precautions. Vaccinations, boosters, and testing are all still important.


Also, we need to be aware that if trends change or new variants emerge, we may need to return to wearing masks. We certainly hope and pray that this will not be the case.

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